Next Irvine Underground Meeting
2025.02.14 at Gulliver's, 7pm

June 14 2019

As always the meet up was a success thanks to all. The place was feeled with a lot of interesting conversations technological related. It was very nice to see a lot of new faces. Veterans and new people pretty soon engage in conversation so they interchanged and shared topics of interest. Therefor we are expecting to get better and better creating an atmosphere of friendliness and welcoming to everyone the IVU way.

We also had our presentation by PappaSmurg very interesting and informative about keebs. he explained about the different types that there are, also functionality , styles and much more great info about it, if you are interested about it, we have the presentation and slide show at our youtube channel: Irvine Underground.

Defcon is around the corner getting closer and closer, everyone get more exciting about, some already packed while others have a master plan, but overall everyone is super ready for it, It a marvelous event, that nobody should miss and have to experience at least once in a life time.

We expect get more exciting presentations in the future so don’t miss it. Everyone is invited and also bring a friend, acquaintance, coworker or anybody who want to experience IVU.

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