Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

Author Archive

2002 – September Minutes

Friday, September 6th, 2002

September meeting of IrvineUnderground was another great meeting. We met up @ the Irvine Spectrum Food Court, and talked about many hacking/security issues. We went over the Worldwide WarDrive Event that happened a few days before hand, Orange County Worldwide WarDrive event was also a success. Information and photos can be found here. Within the WWWD OC link is the dates for the next scheduled wardriving event which we will be sure to be attending as it is coordinated by Irvine Underground’s blackwave. (more…)

2002 – August Minutes

Sunday, August 18th, 2002

The IrvineUnderground meeting for August happened on the Friday of the 16th, normal meeting was postponed because it happened to fall on the largest hacker convention so everyone packed their bags for that weekend and headed out to Las Vegas for Defcon X. (more…)

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