Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

Author Archive

2006 – August Minutes

Friday, August 4th, 2006

Welcome to August. The events of Defcon were outstanding as always. For those of you who had the pleasure of visiting the event know exactly what happened. Those of you who didn’t, let’s put forth the glamor of the event. (more…)

2006 – January Minutes

Friday, January 13th, 2006

This months IVU was a small meeting of minds who came together during a warm California night, to discuss topics ranging from novice to expert. The meeting began shortly after 8pm as pizzas were ordered, and the presenter for the evening was DaMan who spoke about Asterisk@home. (more…)

2005 – November Minutes

Friday, November 11th, 2005

The Irvine Underground meeting for November gathered on the 11th, 8PM at Extreme Pizza bringing a record number crowd for the month of November. Everyone started gathering at 7:30, ordered their food and drinks and took their seats. (more…)

2005 – October Minutes

Friday, October 14th, 2005

Irvine Underground meeting was held October 7th 2005, 8PM at Extreme Pizza. Irvine Underground would like to thank the staff and owners of Extreme Pizza for allowing us to meet at their establishment and stay open extended hours for our use. (more…)

Phil Zimmerman Interview

Friday, October 14th, 2005

45 minute interview with Phil Zimmerman, the creator of the popular PGP encryption program. Phil is working on a new product called zFone which aims to be an encrypted VOIP software phone.

The zFone will work in a similar way to the way that SSH works. On your first connection to someone you will choose to trust their host key or not. Once you’ve trusted it, you can trust all further communication with them just as SSH works. Additionally, in the future you can double check what the correct key is and retroactively know that your previous conversations were not man-in-the-middle’d. The encryption is planned to be at the data layer of the VOIP packets, which means that who you’re calling will not be hidden, just the contents of the conversation.

Watch the Video

2005 – August Minutes

Friday, August 12th, 2005

Irvine Underground was alive and present at DEFCON that happened at the end of July. The booth setup in the vendor area was a centralized meeting point and advertisement so those unfamiliar with the group could learn about it. (more…)

2005 – May Minutes

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Irvine Underground May Minutes Irvine Underground’s May meeting gathered 27 people together to discuss the xbox system and the modifications available for the hardware. Two xbox units were present at the meeting, one already modified which was used to present some of the features and mods already accomplished. (more…)

2005 – March Minutes

Saturday, March 12th, 2005

The March meeting of IVU had 25 in attendance and the meeting went well as planned. The Mac Mini returned this month along with the bluetooth keyboard, a one handed device known as the Frogpad. People tried learning a new keyboard layout that was nothing similar to the standards. (more…)

2005 – February Minutes

Friday, February 11th, 2005

February meeting was expected to be small due to the hard rainfall in Southern California. To everybody.s surprise it ended up being the largest meeting of the year yet and the food on the menu was lasagna created by our new meeting locations owners. (more…)

2005 – January Minutes

Friday, January 14th, 2005

For the first meeting of 2005 we decided to began the year with a fresh start by meeting at an alternative location. The location we chose (Kate Kennedys) is a smaller business (supporting the little guys) that caters to our tastes and offers a location that offers indoors and outdoors access with ease. (more…)

2004 – December Minutes

Friday, December 10th, 2004

December’s Irvine Underground gathering gave people a chance to get together and connect with people of like kinds during the hectic month. With over 30 people attending this made for the most active December meeting ever. Many new faces attended (more…)

2004 – October Minutes

Friday, October 15th, 2004

This months Irvine Underground meeting was held on October 15th in our cozy upstairs secret location of iHop. Starting at 8pm we began with introductions due to the large amount of new faces and went into news for the group and the evenings plans. (more…)

2004 – June Minutes

Saturday, June 12th, 2004

LayerOne conference was held June 12th and 13th in Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Airport Westin where Irvine Underground was present. IVU had a vendor table doubling as a centralized meeting location. The June meeting was merged with LayerOne, for two days for only 40 dollars you got to enjoy, and learn from a plethora of speakers discussing a wide range of topics from IT, security to crypto. (more…)

2004 – May Minutes

Wednesday, May 12th, 2004

Irvine Underground May gathering happened May 14th, 8PM upstairs at IHOP. The evening started with introductions for the evening and what was on the agenda. With LayerOne on the rise happening June 12th-13th in Los Angeles everyone was getting hyped. (more…)

2004 – April Minutes

Friday, April 16th, 2004

Irvine Underground’s April meeting went down without any issues, bringing over 40 people to the meeting. We situated ourselves and got started at 8pm with introductions and plans for the evening. (more…)

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