Next Irvine Underground Meeting
2025.04.11 at Gulliver's, 7pm


IrvineUnderground.org is a group of people located in and around Irvine, California and the major Orange County area. First formed in late 2001, June 2002 marked the group’s first official meeting which only five attendees showed up for; since then, word has spread bringing in a much larger crowd.

Orange County is the home of many hacker gatherings. IVU doesn’t aim to replace any group; it is its own entity with members from all walks of the wood from 2600, BlackListed!411, DEFCON, Iron Feather Journal, and phone phreaking groups. In short, IVU is a monthly hacker gathering with the occasional unplanned additional get together, parties, and trips.

Irvine Underground.org is based on NevadaUnderground.org, an organization started in early 1997 in Las Vegas. The formula is simple; less elitism, more discussion, collaboration, and knowledge shared throughout the group.  Anyone is invited to the meetings, click here for location information and visit the minutes for prior meeting follow-ups and photos.

Irvine Underground itself is still a new and growing group. However, the founder of NevadaUnderground.org has made this group possible in spreading into different areas of the country. Our goal as a group is to unite people together and to teach as well as learn from one another.

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