Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2018 – January Minutes

Happy new year IVU!

The holidays are over and the new year is here so welcome 2018!

It was a chilly night with the pre-meeting of cigars and drinks around the fire at Gulliver’s and then more drinks and food at El Torito where it was quite packed so we got the VIP balcony seats, oh yeah. 😉

A short talk was given by our own Jorge Dominguez, a.k.a. Blackdrako, on his current project of integrating a Raspberry Pi and Google AIY Voice based system inside of a bound book case. Many laughs were had at Google expense trying to force it to speak different languages and making “Ricky” its wife.

Ending the talk a Google AIY Voice kit was raffled off and after a tedious amount of waiting, or at least that is what the losers felt, Kelvin Brandon had the winning number and took the prize he was already holding.
The rest of the night was filled with discussions and trying to not crash the drone Jorge also brought too much.

The year has just started here and if you weren’t able to make it this month please just us next month on February 9th!


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