Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2017 – September Minutes

Hello IVU!

Our September meetup was swell. We had a great turn out for the pre-meet at Gulliver’s for cigars and cocktails. Plenty of good conversation and good times were had by most.

Our very own Jonathan Wash discussed Password Managers and how to learn to love randomization in passwords. The conversation covered managers such as LastPass, 1Password, Passpack, KeyPass, and Keychain. See the slides for more information: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/NXQi76ytFD61dt

As you may have heard there was a voting machine hacking village at DEFCON this year. We’ve obtained a few voting machinesand we will be presenting on them over the next few meetups. Keep an eye on our schedule to find out more information about it.

We also had another game maker, Joseph Roche, drop by and talk about his game Savage Fighter.

Our October meet up is Friday the 13th. Pre-meet as per usual. See you there!



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