Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2017 – November Minutes

Gi nathlam hí IVU!

The holiday are upon us and with it comes early darkness, cool nights, and relaxed attitudes enjoying the festivities.

Pre-meeting was at Gulliver’s with lots of new faces for cigars, drinks, food, and even a car chase.

Howard once again was the focus of the meeting but not he was not solo this time as he brought some of his Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) team to introduce themselves and the whole meeting was filled with answering questions and giving insights to the team as they were competing in their first competition soon.

Also IVU doesn’t just only meet on the second Friday of the month. We also plan nice outings which include going to a firing range to shoot some pistols like we did on the 3rd at Firing-Line Indoor Shooting in Huntington Beach (http://www.firingline.net).

The pistols ranged from .22 revolvers up to .45 semi-autos with everyone enjoying a little time with all of them.

We even had a friendly little competition at the end with each person having only 6 rounds and a small target pushed all the way down the range (~100 feet) and of course beginners luck kicked in and Howard won the match with 33 points!


Till next time, December 8th, and we hope to see everyone there!




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