Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2017 – June Minutes

Hello IVU!

What a great meet-up!

This was a huge turnout and everyone was getting involved with our soldering activity from beginners to experts. No burns (that I heard of at least…) so all is good! After arriving we had soldering stations set up and had groups of three or so getting together to work on the Jack badge. According to one local witness it even looked like a hacker space!

Thanks to all the experienced folks for sticking it out and helping the noobs with fix errors and helping with the eyes. Thanks to all that stuck around until the very end to make sure everyone got their badge completed and helped with the clean up!

Lots of learning and lots of teaching. Docendo Discimus!

See you next meet-up to continue the conversations, discuss security automation, and talk about DEFCON coming up in a few weeks.

DEFCON 25 is soon! July 27 – 30. It’s at Caesar’s Palace this year.




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