Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2017 – July Minutes

Hello IVU!

Another great turn out this month even with DEFCON 25 just around the corner.

Our very own trash1e presenting his whiteboard talk on the importance of keeping and sharing threat intelligence:

  • With automating threat intelligence, it can make security all the more manageable, workable, and centralized.
  • Why keeping threat intelligence is important for an organization to maintain their systems security integrity well tuned
  • By sharing intelligence cross trusted organizations can help improve everyone’s network security
  • And the importance of keeping a web of trust between organizations


Other group discussions included on the pros and cons of setting up a non-profit for possible future growth of our beloved org and some pre DEFCON 25 planning

We hope the people going to DEFCON this year have a safe and fun trip and that everyone can join us again next month, August 11th, at 8PM upstairs at IHOP.


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