Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2017 – December Minutes

Bienvenido IVU!

With Thanksgiving behind us and a handful of major holidays coming up it’s time for relaxation and cheer to be spread around and have our last meeting of the year.

Pre-meeting meetup was filled with talks of the impending doom of net neutrality repeal and our dismay of no mini hamburgers at 6:30 as promised!

But drinks were imbibed, other food ordered, and our chats civilized as always.

One of our newest attendees, Calvin Slater, took the spotlight this month to show off how he and his company setup and help companies control their HAVC, alarm, and other IoT/microcontroller enabled systems. He included some micro-controllers to display and showed how a basic system would be setup and have hundreds to thousands of sensors within ducting and rooms to control and monitor the environment(s). Calvin also brought up the possible future of these systems to include Raspberry Pi like SOCs, Arduino controllers, and software like Node-RED to program these new systems in the future.

Everyone please have a great rest of your holidays and a happy new year and we hope to see you on January 12th!

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