Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2006 – October Minutes

Welcome to the minutes page. At this meeting we scared the hell out of people who were willing to look over shoulders. It all started with me (Bartender) wondering why my Internet connection went away and came back. It was very frustrating and then I caught a glimpse of Kallahar smirking.

Here is how the meeting started:

Bartender: Hey Kallahar, are you f—-ing with my net?
Kallahar: hehehe. Yeah..
Bartender: Ok thought you might be. What are you doing?
Kallahar: I am trying to “Man in the middle you”

Ok so does anyone here know what “man in the middle” means?

Well now we have a presentation. Thanks

Also This meeting we talked about ToorCon, We had 1 or 2 new faces and a couple recent return (2nd timer) geeks, we had pizza, drinks, and good laughs. We also hung around outside and watched a drunk guy almost crash into Fatburger (right next to Extreme Pizza) in his car. I passed off a DVD of OpenSUSE to a newbie who asked many questions. Hey buddy, email me with how it worked out or post to the forum so we can read about it.

I am still trying to figure out how to do a work around for integrating the front page into the Forum Session. It isn’t working to well for me. If someone can help me figure out a work around for cookies that would be great. PHPBB does not allow the cookies to cross subdomains on the same site. Ok So I know this is proably a security breach but, hey we are hackers. Anyone know how it works, post some ideas or tips.

Coming Up Next for the site:
– Links to Our So Cal Asterisk Group
– And a Bigger and Better button leading to forums.

Thanks for coming everyone, and I’ll see you next time.

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