Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2006 – November Minutes

Welcome to the November Minutes page. We met this 2nd Friday at Extreme Pizza in Irvine.For those of you who were there, thanks for coming, and for those of you following in spirit, thanks for doing so.

Has anyone ever built or worked with a project and integrated circuits? There is a fine group of individuals who enjoy camping and the greater outdoors, but asking them to leave their geekiness behind might be a bit much. As a representative of this group, Kallahar brought in a box of goodies which included a wafer, some wires, a few alligator attachments, and a genius of design. Kallahar presented a motion detecting FRS Transmitting device they built to protect their campsite while they were off. Needed to be there to see it. I was completely impressed. I think I would have just spent my $120 to go buy a market equivalent.

2ndly we had a show of hardware by our Fearless robot leader VarX & Company. Just a demo of where projects can lead. if anyone wants to write some code or work on expanding this project please let me know. We have some big ideas and only a half a year before we need to show again.

Thirdly IVU had one of the longest hang out sessions outside after closing hours that I have witnessed in quite some time. New faces, new conversation, and some results of code from our previous meeting.

Lets do it again.

Thanks for coming everyone, and I’ll see you next time.

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