Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2005 – November Minutes

The Irvine Underground meeting for November gathered on the 11th, 8PM at Extreme Pizza bringing a record number crowd for the month of November. Everyone started gathering at 7:30, ordered their food and drinks and took their seats.

Introductions and announcements took place while the guest speaker readied for the evenings talk. The VOIP team will be meeting this month, send Lei a private message on the forum asking for more information.

There will also be a poker night set for the group, this is a time where you can come and get to know each other in a fun environment, learn the game or come play as a pro. Watch the forums for more information on this event.

Welcome to our newest executive member, Wiggy. He has always been around helping with the group and giving feedback, most recently he has showed interest in helping out with the group. Anyone interested in getting involved with IVU should talk to Freaky, Bartender or Lei.

Tacitus interviewed the creator of proxify.com. Proxify is a HTML based proxy for web sites which allows users to both hide their information from the destinatoin site as well as hide their destination from their local LAN.

This lead to proxify.com being banned by many of the “Net Nanny” type programs though, limiting its usefulness. The interview lasted about 45 minutes and the audience had many questions pertaining to the security and privacy policies.

Proxify.com is a paid service, but the interview concluded with the offer of many free accounts to IVU members. To obtain an account email freaky@irvineunderground.org

Wiggy graciously donated a brand new digital satellite receiver box to be raffled off as this months prize. More information on the sat box can be found at.

All raffle ticket money went to donations for the group for future projects, events and costs. Last month we were able to obtain new A/V hardware, a prime example of the use with the donated raffle money.

Special thanks to everyone who came to the meeting and those who made the meeting possible. Audio/Video was corresponded and conducted by DaMan, video of last months talk with Phil Zimmerman is available online, visit October 2005 minutes page for more information.

IVU Proxy Discussion with poxify.com

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