Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2005 – May Minutes

Irvine Underground May Minutes Irvine Underground’s May meeting gathered 27 people together to discuss the xbox system and the modifications available for the hardware. Two xbox units were present at the meeting, one already modified which was used to present some of the features and mods already accomplished.

The second of the xbox was not modified, the group of people gathered around to watch the process of disassembling the unit. Once the xbox was taken apart the mod chip was installed, tested, and found to work. The xbox was then re-assembled, with only two extra screws afterwards.

The raffle prizes this meeting were in abundance as members of the group brought hardware to be raffled off. DaMan came loaded with hardware which was snagged up first. Then we clothed people in IVU swag and continued to talk outside for hours.

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