Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2005 – January Minutes

For the first meeting of 2005 we decided to began the year with a fresh start by meeting at an alternative location. The location we chose (Kate Kennedys) is a smaller business (supporting the little guys) that caters to our tastes and offers a location that offers indoors and outdoors access with ease. Located by the Irvine Spectrum the meeting location is easily accessable via the 5 and 405 Freeways.

Maps and notes were left at iHOP so that users unaware of forgetful of the change would be able to find the new location.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the new location, with almost 40 people attending this made for a strong active meeting with a lot of discussion.

JRL and Jack presented Frogs over Tokyo. This was an introduction to Operating System Security Concepts. Specifically they covered Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Domain Type Enforcement (DTE), Role Based Access Controls (RBAC), and Multi Level Security (MLS)… and most importantly, what all of that junk means. They showed examples of how exploits work in a DAC environment, and what the constraints are in the MAC environment to limit damage.

Question and answer went on for a while as everyone was full of questions.

Migrating outdoors everyone grabbed a seat and talked for a few hours until the Winter cold kicked in forcing people to head home and the rest to the well familiar iHOP for pancakes and more talk. This IVU was a great success and we look forward to a great new year.

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