Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2005 – August Minutes

Irvine Underground was alive and present at DEFCON that happened at the end of July. The booth setup in the vendor area was a centralized meeting point and advertisement so those unfamiliar with the group could learn about it.

Everybody started gathering for the August meeting around 8pm at Extreme Pizza. We had a full crowd with many new faces, many of which we met at DEFCON and also the usual crowd filling the establishment.

The night started off with introductions and went over the events and participation at DEFCON. Irvine Underground members participated in many of the events including the robot contest which took second place, robot drink contest taking second. Nulltone took on the task of Hacker Jeopardy with Wynn and Kallahar took on the Robot Contest devoting their time to these events.

After the announcements and discussion about DEFCON, tim from Toorcon gave some background and history of the upcoming conference and did pre-orders of tickets allowing those who register with the IVU discount code to get a further discount off preregistration (code: IVUDSC) getting people into the conference for 50.00.

IVU will be present at TOORCON, the conference will be held at the convention center down in San Diego. Planning, carpooling and roomsharing can be discussed on the forum. IVU will also have a booth at the conference.

The featured presentation for the evening was setup by DaMan and HTMLtron (Newest Executive Member to IVU). The presentation was a remote conference with the creator of iStumbler, ALF which was moderated by HTMLTron. Alf took the time to discuss the program, the features and the plans with it for the future as well as do question and answer for fifteen minutes. This was the first video conference presentation and it went off without any issues. If you are interested in presenting but are not close to Irvine and would like to present remotely just visit the forum and post.

Toorcon donated two entrance tickets to the conference to be raffled off and additional ticket was also raffled, sponsored by Irvine Underground. Other prizes were donated by HackerStickers.com.

The meeting lasted till well after one, everyone proceeded outside to continue their discussions.

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