Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2004 – March Minutes

Irvine Underground.s meeting for March turned out another full crowd. Over the past few meetings we have been listening to your feedback on what you.re looking for in IVU and different ways to try the meeting. Last month it was requested that there be more personal talk time between the people, and table layout. We moved the tables around allowing people to group up and move around easier into conversations and also had talks given by users in smaller segments.

Before we started we formally introduced Nulltone to the group with his new position as project coordinator with Kallahar along side of him. Project coordination includes getting ideas and making projects happen from building hardware projects to more hands on group projects. The ideas will be posted to speechplanner.com so head over with your ideas you would like to see a project done and and submit them.

With LayerOne somewhere around the corner we talked about having our monthly meeting at the conference, allowing people to attend the conference and talk about what they.ve heard in a group forum. More information on this will be posted shortly. If you haven.t done so already book your hotel room for this conference, if you need to share rooms or rides hit up the IVU forums.

Mangala, visiting from Germany came to the meeting and gave a talk about the European hacking groups and organizations. This was a great run down on the different groups, their politics and how things run in the different areas including details on local hacker groups. During his talk he took questions answering everyone.s questions.

not5150 and kallahar presented on the DARPA robot competition that is going on getting people interested in robots. The presentation was complete with videos. IVU has a robot team and if you’re into robots this is a good way to get more out of it.

Programming team developing web-based photo system for minutes page, we’re looking for more people to get involved in the development group. If you’re interested get on the forum and send a private message to Freaky to be added.

Next month we have presentations which can be seen on speechplanner.com if you are interested in presenting in front of the group contact our speech planners Tacitus and Daman on the IVU forums.

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