Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2004 – June Minutes

LayerOne conference was held June 12th and 13th in Los Angeles at the Los Angeles Airport Westin where Irvine Underground was present. IVU had a vendor table doubling as a centralized meeting location. The June meeting was merged with LayerOne, for two days for only 40 dollars you got to enjoy, and learn from a plethora of speakers discussing a wide range of topics from IT, security to crypto.

The IVU meeting was held at 7pm till 8pm in a meeting room with a big round table full of food and drinks. The topics were about the LayerOne conference itself, and IVU, and defcon. Around 8:30 we all gathered and went downstairs to the social gathering where drinks were served from devices known as kegs. Everyone at the conference was together getting to know each other and discuss topics of whatever came to mind till 11:30pm.

At 11:30 IVU had a party upstairs that went until 4:00am. In short it was a fun successful party.

The next morning (Sunday) everyone continued with the second day of the presentations cramming in more information in one day making for a second great day of talks. All in all, the conference was a success. We look forward to the next LayerOne conference, those who have not done so already can check out the site to see what was missed. AV equipment was on hand recording the presentations, a DVD should be available soon with the presenters speeches.

See you at July’s IVU meeting, it will be at the same place we normally meet at, IHOP.

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