Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2003 – November Minutes

Irvine Underground November meeting was held on the 21st at iHOP for the second consecutive month. Everybody started gathering upstairs and got settled for the meeting to start at 8pm. With many new faces in the crowd everyone went around and made introductions. Freaky made his introduction and discussed the groups’ local happening and agenda for the evening.

Matrix Revolutions, November 5th IVU gathering went without issues, thanks to everyone who put their time into this event both the coordinators and the rest of IVU. We had a large turnout of 23 people and held the very front of the line from the early hours.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the next movie the group will be seeing as tickets to this event were raffled off during the meeting, the winner was jrl. During this raffle two other prizes were also raffled off. 80 gigs of pure data storage was contributed for the raffle by daman and a KeyKatcher 128k ( http://keystroke-loggers.staticusers.net/hardware-keykatcher/ ) was donated also. Information about LoTR: RoTK can be found in this thread. http://ivu.irvineunderground.org/viewtopic.php?t=333

Dates for DEFCON have been set, the dates were dropped for this convention as well as other conventions coming up. A calendar has been established for the group for upcoming events and meetings that can be found at http://cal.irvineunderground.org/ this has been setup by daman using his infamous calendar program.

Discussion and interest was perked about an IVU Rocket Project. Blackwave took the floor and discussed what it entailed to spark the interest of it to the public. There is now an official section of the forum devoted to the rocket team, all inquires can be directed to blackwave or to the general thread found here. http://ivu.irvineunderground.org/viewtopic.php?t=339

Korben announced that this would be his last meeting for some time as he has joined the United States Air Force to serve for his country. Many thanks to korben and we look forward to hearing from him and seeing him from time to time. Korben is the creator of MacStumbler and has assisted in the groups’ existence from the start by offering his help, giving presentations and assisting in many other ways in our community, the Macintosh and wireless communities.

Two presentations planned for the evening went without any issues both presenters had their materials together and presentations ready to roll. Anybody interested in presenting should contact one our discussion planning team (kallahar, tacitus, daman)

First presentation for the evening was presented by jrl, his demonstration titled ‘Using .CAB files to auto-install via Internet Explorer’ included white paper handouts and also a walk-through of the process and the potential security risks behind it. His slides and speech notes, including your Q&A can be found here.

Short but sweet, fragment gave a presentation on ‘The Future of WiFi Internet Access.’ You had to be there for this one to get the whole thing, the topic is self-describing but fragment also went over certain aspects and took questions where the group interacted in discussion.

December’s meeting is set for 9pm at IHOP on the 12th of the month. Head over to the IVU forums and sign up on the mailing list for future development.

Founders: Freaky, Miss Turtle, Lei, Bartender
Social Directors: Miss Turtle, KeLvin
Head of Programming: blackwave
Location Management: Bartender
Discussion Coordinator: Tactitus, DaMan, Kallahar

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