Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2003 – May Minutes

Irvine Underground meeting for May 16th 2003 was another great turnout and lasted until the early morning. People started gathering around 7.30 in the evening, the majority of the meeting was held outdoors by the BBQ while food flowed all night long.

Only a few days before the May meeting Irvine Underground gathered for the opening of the second coming of the movie the Matrix Reloaded. We purchased twenty tickets in advanced, by the time we were ready to purchase more the first showing was sold out. Miss Turtle held the line in the wee-early hours of the morning getting there at 8am in the morning and others showed up slowly throughout the day to help hold the line. The movie started @ 10PM and the theater was full of Matrix fans. Before the movie started the workers told everyone not to have out cameras and if they saw them in action they would confiscate them and prosecute the people to the fullest extent.

Back to May’s meeting, the BBQ was flaring cooking all different meats from Hot Dogs, Pork Chops, Steaks to Hamburgers that fed everyone and ended up with more than enough food for the night. The food included all the fixings and even vegetables.

The meeting was full of discussion and stories from members throughout the night. Recaps of the past events took place as well as discussion about some of the articles within the most recent 2600 magazine. Many had their laptops and Internet access was available for presentations, demonstrations and just bandwidth needs. Q&A was the main focus of the night during dinner having everyone’s questions answered dealing with security, privacy, hacking, phones, matrix, defcon, and everything else IT oriented.

We obtained information of other topics people would be interested in presenting at upcoming gatherings. A presentation was given on some privacy/security issues that lead into more discussion on the ins-and-outs of how the hardware itself worked. The night’s presentation was a continuation of Aprils meeting giving the members more hands on experience and more in-depth explanation of the components and functions.

The next Irvine Underground meeting is June Friday the 13th.

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