Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2003 – June Minutes

Irvine Underground’s June meeting marked the one year anniversary of the meets, gathering a total of 29 peoples attendance compared to the first four people a year ago. We gathered at Zanzibar Coffee & Tea and the meeting started at 8PM, with many new faces and backgrounds of those people topics were well spoken on, each person inputting comments, ideas, and experiences with whatever topic were at hand.

Freaky opened the meeting introducing himself and then going over the agenda for the evening cover topics at hand for the night getting feedback and opening discussion while people sat around the tables enjoying pizza and bawls. The discussion proceeded for over an hour and then free form discussion took place while the evenings demonstrations and talks were being setup in the other room.

Daman brought fresh coffee that came straight from the families coffee plantation in Guatemala shipped directly to him allowing for the freshest taste. Due to the high demand, Daman brought pounds of guatemala coffee to peddle during the meeting for those addicted to the taste and caffeine. He looks forward to any feedback you may have about his coffee from Guatemala.

The two demonstrations for the evening went on without any issues, both presenters were prepared with materials to be demonstrated from their laptops connected to Daman’s projector for everyone to easily see. The two presenters for the evening were from the group.

Kallahar’s talk was on SQL Injection attacks which was presented live, detailing the issues at hand, how it happened and what could be done. The group discussed other variants and possibilities for the attack and Kallahar proceeded to demonstrate the vulnerability on his own database which were possible by the coding in the web site. This hands on demonstration pointed out a vulnerability that remains an issue is many sites, taking a deeper look and trying to exploit your own sites using this technique is wise to do so before someone else does.

SrCrypto presented Cisco Password Recovery demonstrating password recovery and restore methods with cisco routers. The demonstration sparked into group discussion with Q&A towards the end. SrCrypto did a very well done presentation, a few pictures along the right hand side are of the talk in action.

Afterwards everyone broke to the patio to continue discussion on various subjects then continued off to Denny.s for late night discussion and snacks. June 28th marks the start of the third WorldWide WarDrive, and Orange County has an organized wardrive setup, many of IVU will be attending this WarDrive, you can find details at the link.

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