Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2003 – July Minutes

Irvine Underground’s July meeting was a great success jam packed with more talk and education. The July meeting was our last meeting at Zanzibar Coffee & Tea as it is changing its venue from coffee to Vietnamese dining. Future meeting location will be posted on the site here shortly, our August meeting will be held at DEF CON Saturday evening since the vast majority of people will be attending the hacker conference.

Irvine Underground T-Shirt Preorders are available for prepurchase to be picked up from DEFCON. After the convention the shirts will be online and at the meetings while supplies last. There was only limited shirts made so now is your chance to pick yours up.

The WorldWide WarDrive for Orange County coordinated by blackwave went off without any issues; the wardrivers met up on Saturday morning and received their briefing documents with maps and agendas. WWWD3 was June 28th – July 5th and the results are available at the Orange County WWWD page.

People gathered at the normal time of 8PM at Zanzibar Coffee Shop and were fed two three-foot subs, equaling six feet of sandwich. Plans got set in order for defcon as who was doing what, how people were getting where and who was participating in what events. Talks of alternative venues were in the works and the floor was open to discussion of possibilities. Talks continued for about an hour then presentations were being prepared.

korben demonstrated his freshly released MacStumbler with GPS support, his newly redesigned Mac OS X application is the first and only program for stumbling that offers GPS support not to mention his program was the first for detecting wireless networks. With the GPS support active now Macintosh users can hit the streets to WarDrive and partake in the WorldWide WarDrives. korben presented his program and showed the connections needed to hookup the GPS device properly.

After korben’s presentation everyone took a breather and continued talks outside while lei prepared his demonstration on linux installations. The purpose of this presentation was to educate and inform the uneducated on unix installs and also answer any questions regarding *NiX. The presentation was well done and we’re sure to do future talks and education on this topic. Within the presentation advice was given on preparing secure installations by limiting packages installed and also setting up a proper network.

We’d like to thank both korben and lei for presenting for this meeting. Afterwards the floor was open to discussion and the future talk papers were gathered. At midnight the doors promptly closed, the WiFi equipment was removed and we gathered outside for a while. Those remaining and were still hungry after six feet of subs went to Denny’s to continue the discussion.

Our August meeting is in Las Vegas and the September meeting information will be posted shortly after informing everyone of the new meeting location.

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