Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2003 – December Minutes

December’s meeting was moved to 9pm for this time only due to IHOP over booking the room we were to be in with someone else. Future meetings will be at 8PM at IHOP. People kept coming in all night long making this meeting the largest one ever.

The evening started off with everyone ordering dinner while Freaky gave the group announcements for the month. One of the topics was an invitation for anyone who was interested to join the group in seeing LoTR RoTK which JRL had won tickets to at a prior raffle. The movie did go over well with a lot of entertainment provided by the people around us in line as well as the group members. Miss Turtle waited in line for the group overnight and the next day mid-afternoon others began to show up.

Another conference was discussed also that was recently announced; LayerOne, which is being held in Los Angeles, close enough to home where everyone can attend this technical conference. The website contains details on it and it is also marked in the calender. Other upcoming conferences on the west coast happening in 2004 include Toorcon and Defcon.

Fragment and jigsaw started off the evening with their overview of the Linux conference they attended answering questions and telling everyone else what they missed. Incase you haven’t done so already check out http://cal.irvineunderground.org/ for upcoming technical conferences and events. Jigsaw handed out pamphlets and other goodies she received while walking the Linux conference.

Kallahar and not5150 went warflying December 10th 2004 over Los Angeles which they talked about and presented their photos and video of explaining how it went and how next time it could be done to pick up more access points. On Kallahar’s site there is also a map and photographs of the event including technical details of the airplane that was flown by not5150. This presentation was recorded and will be available shortly.

JRL brought up the Internet Explorer bug and presented the group with example code of how it worked and what it could be used for. He also pointed out that MS said it was a “feature” and not a bug, but users were being tricked into thinking the link they clicked went to their trusted pages when in fact the address bar’s URL was not the site the users were really at. Group participation went into play as other talked about what else it could be used for and someone also brought up an additional example of it being used.

The meeting went on until a little after midnight where people gathered outside for an hour or so and continued to talk about different topics. January’s meeting is on the 9th at 8pm in the same IHOP upstairs. This will make for the first meeting in 2004.

The raffle for December was provided by HackerStickers.com including their Hacker T-Shirts and Caffeine Candy packs along with a few new technical books.

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