Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2002 – October Minutes

ourteen people joined together at the October IrvineUnderground Meeting, it was the biggest gathering yet. The pictures to the right captured by Miss Turtle show some of the members of the group, many came from Los Angeles county, and one who did not quite make it was from Riverside area. We met in the Food court as usual around 8PM to get the talk started. Everyone was in and out of each others conversations and much laughing took place. Talks ranged from wireless security, server security and hardware, hacking talk and much question and answer took place amoungst each other.

Nine PM everyone decided to move on over to Maki-Maki to eat some Japanese food, one of Nulltone’s new favorites and take down some drinks. Outside while we waited everyone continued conversations. Pyrophite and his pal showed up late and spotted the group due to blackwave’s blue hair and all the hack related clothing. Pyrophite’s little book kept everyone entertained as he displayed his ideas, thoughts and articles on his hacking/security related ventures.

Freaky lost his voice and couldn’t talk much. Blackwave shared his knowledge and showed his t-shirt off getting everyone informed about the next Worldwide WarDrive. IrvineUnderground members and others interested in wardriving are encouraged to meet up for the WorldWide WarDrive event scheduled for Orange County. Details are here!

October Attendees: Freaky, Miss Turtle, Lei, Korben, Blackwave, FReCKLeS, Nulltone, Bartender, PT_Blank, day-jay, Pyrophite & Pal, KeLVin, petr0l.

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