Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2002 – November Minutes

November’s Irvine Underground meeting was nice and small due to the hard downfall of the rain throughout the Orange County. No matter how large or small the meetings are it is always a blast to attend. We gathered in the food court of the Irvine Spectrum a little short of 8 o’clock by Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. With the group being small the discussion this time could be focused, we went over the results of the OC WWWD (WorldWide WarDrive) that happened at the end of October running to the second of November.

This particular IVU meeting was held on the same day as Kevin Mitnick’s book signing for his new title, co-authored with William – The Art of Deception. Because of the short notice we continued with the IVU meeting and made plans to goto the book signing in San Diego, which we did on Saturday November 16t,

The meeting continued as we went over to Maki-Maki (per Nulltone and Miss Turtle’s request) and got settled in with the food, drinks and talking. We spoke about many subjects and got to know each other a bit better and exchanged advise and stories.

After Maki-Maki the group headed to the movies and watched 8-Mile. A seriously packed theater. Once it was over we discussed the film and talked a bit more then continued home for the night 🙂

November Attendees: Freaky, Miss Turtle, Bartender, Nulltone, Blackwave.

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