Next Irvine Underground Meeting
Today at Gulliver's, 7pm

2002 – December Minutes

December IrvineUnderground was another great success, we’ve received many e-mails from people asking if they can attend, and the answer is Yes so we hope to see everyone at the next meeting. Keep reading for the aftermath of IVU December 2002….

Discussion opened with everyone introducing themselves and getting reacquainted with one another. The talk went all night, starting off outside the food court because of the christmas crowd, the cold weather the inside where we normally meet was packed.

Information about the experiences of the November 16th Kevin Mitnick Book Signing took place and discussion about the missing chapter was covered. The mirror of chapter one can be found here.

Korben gave us the status with MacStumbler and the approximate ETA for release with GPS support – Mac users globablly will be thankful for the update each time they go wardriving. Wireless networks was another hot topic for December as more people were interested in wireless security and the new standards for wifi.

The coldness kicked in so we headed over to Maki-Maki to continue where everybody followed (Don’t let idea of Japanese food stop you from attending, they have tons of different foods that everyone can enjoy). During dinner we discussed where future meetings should be held in Irvine. Everyone was full of laughter, interesting stories of past, and recent experiences. We talked about what it’s like to live in LA and what you can do while living there. During dinner we had to overlook the fact there was a lady singer 30 feet away from us signing loudly where we had to yell to hear each other. Bartender gave them info making it Freaky’s Maki-Maki Birthday too! The food was excellent, the service was great and everyone left the meeting satisfied.

December Attendees: Freaky, Miss Turtle, Bartender, Blackwave, FReCKLeS, Korben, Lei, Daman, KeLvin, petr0l…

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